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Is coated chain link fencing more expensive than wood fencing?

In most cases
In some cases
Not sure
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Question: Is coated chain link fencing more expensive than wood fencing?
Top Answer (37% of 29 votes): In some cases.

Answer: In most cases
Explanation: It is more expensive
A Fence Company biz LLC
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Chain link fences are typically less expensive than wood fences. That's because the material is less expensive and the labor hours required for installation are usually less. However, add-ons like gates, vinyl coating or fabric screens will all increase the total cost per foot of a chain link fence.
Complete Services
Answer: Always
Explanation: depends on your area an availability.
Ninety Fence Inc.
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Depending where you purchase, but in most cases coated chain link is cheaper than wood fencing
Henson Coatings and Construction
Answer: Never
Explanation: Coated chain link is typically $12-$15 per linear ft. and wood is usually around $16-$20 per linear ft.
ATX Residential Construction
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Depending on height
Myrtle Beach Fence
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